Chris Chapman passes his PhD qualifying examination in Biomedical Engineering. Congrats, Chris!
Category: News
August 2014
Professor Şeker has been selected to participate in the National Academy of Engineering’s 6th annual Frontiers of Engineering Education Symposium. He will join some of the nation’s most engaged and innovative engineering educators in order to discuss and collaborate on novel approaches to promote effective, substantive, and inspirational engineering education.
June 2014
- Tatiana Dorofeeva is awarded an Electrical & Computer Engineering Graduate Program Fellowship. Congrats, Tatiana!
- Özge Kurtuluş receives a Summer Graduate Student Researcher Award. Congrats, Özge!
May 2014
My recent commentary, titled “A long academic journey,” based on an interview with Prof. Banu Onaral is published in Science Translational Medicine.
May 2014
My recent commentary, titled “A long academic journey,” based on an interview with Prof. Banu Onaral is published in Science Translational Medicine.
April 2014
- Chris Chapman is awarded a Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation. Congrats, Chris!
- Our group’s paper, titled “Molecular Release from Patterned Nanoporous Gold Thin Films,” is accepted to and published online in Nanoscale. Congrats to Özge and Pallavi!
December 2013
A collaborative paper with UC Davis – Center for Biophotonics, titled “Fabrication and characterization of flexible and tunable plasmonic nanostructures,” is published in Scientific Reports by Nature Publishing.
November 2013
Dr. Ling Wang joins the group as a postdoctoral researcher. He received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Universitat Politècnica, Spain. His BS degree is in Life Sciences from University of Science and Technology of China, China. He will be developing miniaturized platforms to construct neuronal circuits for biosensor applications. Welcome, Ling!
July 2013
- Tatiana Dorofeeva joins the group as a graduate student researcher. She is a PhD student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. She earned her BS and MS degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley and at the University of Virginia respectively. She will be developing electrical sensor platforms for cell imaging. Welcome, Tatiana!
- Our group’s first paper, titled “Microfabrication of nanoporous gold patterns for cell-material interaction studies,” is published online in the Journal of Visual Experiments. Congrats to all!
June 2013
Chris Chapman is awarded a Biotechnology Program Fellowship from the Designated Emphasis in Biotechnology Program (DEB) at UC Davis. Congrats, Chris!